Häzel : Fanatic Outtakes (Free download)

Hazel+Fanatic Outtakes

Hip Hop Free Download : Häzel, Fanatic Outtakes

Ce matin, le Beat Maker Häzel nous a offert Fanatic Outtakes (4 tracks)dispo en téléchargement gratuit. Un bon petit projet de 8 min pour chill sous le soleil.
Merci Häzel !

This morning, the french Beat Maker Häzel offered us Fanatic Outtakes, a 4 tracks free download project. A nice 8 min project to chill down here under the sun.
Thank you Häzel !

Fanatic Outtakes tracklist :
1. P Side Walk
2. The Rain (The Sh!t Remix)
3. Live&Loud
4. Freshness
Fanatic Outtakes

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