Derrick Buck just The way I see it

Derrick Buck+The way I see it

Actu Hip Hop : Derrick Buck, The way I see it (new album)

C.A, All Day !!!
Derrick Buck (The Globetroddas)vient de sortir son dernier projet intitulé The Way I See it. Cet album reste dans le tendance smooth and chill au niveau des prods. Cela me rappel un peu l'ambiance Chill de Californie. On retrouve sur The Way I See It, le morceau Greenlight que Derrick Buck nous a fait découvrir il y a un petit moment de cela ... The Way I See It reste un bon album de 7 tracks disponible pour 5$ même pas le prix d'un paquet de clopes...
Enjoy !

C.A all Day !!!
Derrick Buck (The Globetroddas) just released his latest project, The Way I See It. This album keep us in the smooth and chilly mood. It reminds me the California mood. On this album you also find the Greenlight track that Derrick Buck introduced us a few moment ago... The Way I See It is a good 7 track EP available for 5$ (price of a loosey pack ...) so keep a good health !
Enjoy !

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