The Sun Still Rise In The East (Music charity for Japanese victim)

The Sun Still Rise In The East

Actu Hip Hop, The Sun Still Rise In The East

En c'est temps durs où les castasrtophes naturelles et nouvelles médiatiques ne sont pas toujours de bons présages, la communauté musicale se mobilise (le label A Bridge too Far Recordings et The Find Magazine) pour proposer un album caritatif intitulé The Sun Still Rise In The East qui regroupe plusieurs artistes tels que Lefto, J Zen, M.A.E, Soul Square, Dela, De La Kream et pleins d'autres...
Les bénéfices de cet album seront reversé à la croix rouge UK pour le Japon.
Lets play for Japan,
Peace to you all.

While times are ruff and news still remaining bad news, music community, A Bridge Too Far Recordings and The Find Magazine just teamed up to release a charity album entitled The Sun Still Rise In The East in order to support financially japanese victims of Tsunami, Earthquake and Nuclear damage. On this project features many Hip Hop producer, artists such as Lefto, J Zen, Dela, M.A.E, Soul Square, De La Kream...
Lets Play For Japan,
Peace to you all.

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