Actu Soul : Mar Seeing Her Naked (new EP)

Actu Soul : Mar, Seeing Her Naked (new EP)

Le Néerlandais, chanteur, compositeur Mar a posté vendredi dernier un morceau extrait de son prochain album Seeing Her Naked. Our Attempt est tout juste excellent, et beaucoup de bons feedback sur ce premier single. Tout ce que je sais, c'est que cet EP de 5 morceaux devrait sortir fin Mar(s) (source : Okayplayer). Si les autres morceaux sont du même niveau, je pense bien me le procurer.
En attendant je me réconforte avec Our Attempt en téléchargement gratuit.

Netherland, singer, songwriter and producer Mar just has posted 4 days ago his latest track, Our Attempt extract from his upcoming EP Seeing Her Naked which is simply good.There are a lot of good feedback about it. All I know is that Seeing Her Naked is a 5 track EP that will be released by the end of Mar(ch) (source : Okayplayer). If all the tracks sounds like Our Attempt I may buy it.
But for the moment I just listen on repeat Our Attempt which is available for free download.
Mar : Our Attempt

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